Water Efficient
Installing low-flow fixtures and aerators saves water and money. Aerators for faucets and showers require an initial capital investment, but they often pay back the investment in less than a year, especially when they are used often. Many utilities and city governments offer incentives to purchase and install low-flow fixtures. Contact your utility to learn more about these programs. For information on water use efficiency, see New Mexico’s Water Conservation Guide for Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Users.
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey upgraded restroom facilities at LaGuardia Airport to increase the efficiency of toilets, faucets, and showers. It installed a leak detection system, ultralow-flow toilets, high-efficiency aerators for faucets, and flow restrictors on showerheads. These improvements yield annual water savings of almost $160,000, after an initial capital cost of only $90,000.
The Veterans Affairs Hospital in Portland, Oregon, performed a water audit and implemented a variety of water-saving measures, including low-flow toilets, faucets, and showers. Savings from these low-flow fixtures amounted to more than $50,000 per year.